Why It’s Important to Have a Mentor
The definition of a mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser — someone who has done something before you, and can give you the tips and tricks to avoid making the same mistakes they might have made.
We all need that one person we can go to who will understand the struggles along the journey of becoming an artist. It’s helpful to have someone who can lead you in the right direction when creating your brand.
Photo Credit: Rising Arts Agency
For me, having a mentor meant having opportunities presented to me that I might not have known about before, or have access to. For others it can mean many other things, such as having a role model to look up to, having someone you can talk to when things get shaky, or even having someone who can advise you during the beginning stages of building your career.
No matter what the reason is, having a mentor can help you on your path to standing on your own later as a well-rounded artist or creative. To have a second opinion will definitely walk you down the path of success for your brand or business. It’s also okay to have more than one mentor, if you’re lucky enough to find those special people.
Plenty of people have different mentors for different stages or areas of their life. Where exactly you will need guidance is up to you, but I definitely recommend starting the journey to finding your mentor, a long-lasting relationship that will only blossom and grow with time. Now, you’re probably wondering how or even where you can find a mentor? Well, there are plenty of places you can look for that help & guidance. Start with your school or college, where the possibilities are endless. It may be your favorite professor or even a staff member you’ll never met. Do some research and see who you may have a liken to. Also, checking in with family and friends can be a great place to try too.
I know it sounds weird but you never know who your mom, dad, sister, or cousin know. From personal experience, I met my mentor ten years ago through family and it has been the best experience ever. Not only did I learn how to sew but I was able to get plenty of experience in the fashion industry and meet amazing people because of him. Since then I was able to have a successful career in fashion because of all the treasures and gems I learned while working with my mentor. The journey can be tough but once you find that person who is going to be there to help no matter what, it will be all worth it.